Monday, April 18, 2016

A Millennial That Doesn't Like Social Media

I am a part of the small percentage of millennials that is no the biggest fan of social media. I have an Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Snapchat that I barely use. Even though this is so I have been in charge of the social media account for UGA Recreational Sports for 2 years. This was one of the biggest struggles of my college career! The average student would be happy to get paid to do what they already do all day long, but don't get me wrong  I like my job, but I didn't sign up for the social media part. The reason that I don't use social media is because I am a very private person and can't understand why you need to know what I'm doing at all hours of the day. Over the past few months I have learned a few ways to begin to love social media:

#1. Accept the fact that social media is here to stay

I will probably be expected to do some kind of social media in my future jobs. I have to learn the best way to do this despite my anti-social media habits.

#2.  Took a Social Media Strategy course

I challenged myself to take a course about something I really didn't care about. After the first day I was obsessed with the class and my professor and I can honestly say that I learned so much information that I know that I will be using again.

#3. Take what I learned and apply it to my current job to create an actual social media plan and strategy

As I graduate leave my job this year I want to make sure that I leave something for the students after me to follow. I also want to feel like I left my mark with the department and that I made a difference by working there.

#4. Understand that social media is what you make of it

Whether it is personal or business your accounts are what you make of it. It can succeed or fail based on how you choose to use it.

#5. Use Social media more during the summer

I am challenging myself to use all of the platforms more often "all summer sixteen" to get more connected with the rest of the world and to get with the times! Now that I have a better understanding of the platforms I want to be able to apply what I learned when I can which will make it a bit easier when I use social for a business.

This blog was fun and it pushed me to stay up to date with all things social. It wasn't easy as I had to go search to find something to talk about and I tried to connect each post to what I love... Essentially Sports, but Probably Not as I veered off topic a few times. I don't think an actual blog will be my weapon of choice again, but it was a valuable experience!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

'Dammnn Daniel!' Back At It Again With Forever 21??

This is the "Probably Not" part of my blog that has nothing to do with sports. Unless you have been living under a rock I'm sure that you saw the video on Twitter, "Daaammnn Daniel, back at it again with the white vans!" that went viral. Something two kids in high school created took them from being popular kids in school to being nationwide cool kids in 30 seconds. Daniel and his friend Josh have been everywhere from guests on Ellen to a feature with Forever 21.

I recently received an email from Forever 21 with the subject line "Daammnn Aaliyah!" My first thought was...nuh uhn seriously? Did they really just Damn Daniel me? I then opened the email to see Daniel and how to dress like him with clothes form Forever 21. I also clicked on the video clip in the email that took me to the a promo video with my name in it and more of Daniel walking around. 

Because I am a Marketing student and in a Social Media Strategy course I thought this was a cool idea advertising wise, but Forever 21 is about a moth or so late on this. This was a good idea to stay current and incorporate social media into their email marketing. Young girls that are obsessed with these two boys probably thought that it was the coolest thing to see in their email. The guys that want to be like them now have a "Damn Daniel" starter pack to follow and become cool like them too. I'm curious to see how (if it all) the response to this impacted Forever 21, whether it be social media following or to a spike in sales of Men's curved hem tees or distressed skinny jeans? I would assume it didn't nearly as much as it did for the freshman and sophomore duo, but it was a cool concept.